People are getting ready to shake their tile bags, rack their brains and roll at the 11th Annual “It’s Your Word Against Theirs,” SCRABBLE for Literacy Challenge on Sunday, November 2.
Sponsored by Literacy Volunteers of Illinois (LVI) and supported by local chapters of the North American Scrabble Players Association (NASPA), the event will be held at Grossinger Honda, 6600 N. Western in Chicago from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Die-hard SCRABBLE lovers supporting the fight against low literacy in Illinois will play up the importance of literacy in this popular game of words. In its 11th year already, the SCRABBLE for Literacy Challenge continues to raise visibility for low-literacy issues and the joblessness, homelessness and even incarceration that can result.
According to a 2013 study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, one in six adults have low literacy skills. Causes of low literacy vary but commonly include poor education systems, immigration, lack of parental involvement in their children’s academic development and living conditions that can make literacy a luxury.
“Low literacy is an issue that affects every aspect of our community though it is often one of the least visible,” says Dorothy Miaso, executive director of Literacy Volunteers of Illinois. “The SCRABBLE Tournament is designed to raise the visibility of the issue as well as to raise funds to support our work to help families and individuals in need.”

Highlights of the SCRABBLE for Literacy Challenge include three ways to play –tournament, competitive and casual– so that players from all levels can compete for prizes and awards. Free refreshments will be served, and a silent auction and raffle contest featuring donations made by local restaurants, businesses and entertainment venues will be conducted throughout the event.
For tickets check SCRABBLE for Literacy Challenge at www.lvillinois.org – children under 12 are admitted free.
All proceeds will support adult literacy programming in Illinois. For more information or to find out more about becoming a literacy volunteer, visit the Literacy Volunteers of Illinois website at www.lvillinois.org or call 312-857-1582.
See the 2011 SCRABBLE for Literacy story and the 2012 Scrabble story.
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