Greater Englewood. Organizations including, Growing Home, Inc., RAGE (Resident Association of Greater Englewood) , Teamwork Englewood and Imagine Englewood If, have spearheaded a political education and awareness campaign that seeks to register 5,000 new voters. There is an organizer meeting tonight at 6 p.m. at 5814 S. Wood St. reports Sonya Harper on Everyblock.

In addition to registering new voters, the groups plan a non-partisan campaign aimed at showing how voting in every single election is an important responsibility. The groups are working to get community involvement from neighbors and former residents in the effort to get all residents understand that voting is a way for any community to have a collective voice and thus more impact on the way things work, at least at the level of local politics.
Elected officials and political leaders pay more attention to and funnel more resources to neighborhoods and wards where there is high voter turnout. It makes sense that more voters mean more attention from elected politicians.
Ms. Harper notes that some state lawmakers subscribe to the notion that people in Englewood don’t deserve anything because they say we don’t contribute anything to society. The campaign to build voter interest seeks to debunk that notion in the city, statewide and nationwide.

Englewood Votes ! is open to supporters, donors and neighbors who want to help educate and organize residents in order to create a safer and more livable environment.
For more information or to join the effort email: or call (773) 980-6511.

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